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The Link Between Smoking and Mental Health

Deepti Dogra

Smoking is prevalent among men in our society, especially among the younger generation, who believe it makes them appear cool. What often begins as a casual endeavour can quickly develop into a challenging addiction to break free from. Many may not realize that there is a significant connection between smoking and mental health, and it's crucial to understand this association in more depth.

Have you ever wondered when you first started smoking? Was it due to peer pressure in college, or did you turn to cigarettes when stress at work left you unable to relax, even during a soothing spa massage? These are common triggers for many men to begin smoking, and quitting can be an arduous journey for some. However, the relationship between smoking and mental health is not widely known.

While smoking is often seen as a way to relieve stress and tension and to relax, it can, in reality, exacerbate anxiety and stress, potentially leading to mental health issues. Let's delve into this topic further.

Smoking and Its Impact on Relaxation

The act of lighting a cigarette and taking a few drags can create a fleeting illusion that the world is a better place. This perception arises because smoking interferes with specific chemicals in the brain. Cigarettes contain nicotine, which provides an immediate sense of relaxation. Consequently, individuals believe that smoking reduces their stress and anxiety. However, this sense of calm is transient and is soon replaced by withdrawal symptoms and heightened cravings. While smoking may alleviate withdrawal symptoms, it does little to alleviate anxiety or stress.

Quitting smoking offers not only physical benefits but also significant mental advantages for men:

  • Reduced levels of anxiety, depression, and stress.

  • Improved mood and overall quality of life.

  • The potential to reduce the dosage of medications used to manage mental health conditions.

The Link Between Smoking and Mental Health

Smoking undoubtedly has adverse effects on mental health. Despite its addictiveness and association with serious health issues like lung cancer, smoking is also connected to stress, depression, and even schizophrenia. Let's explore these mental health disorders in more detail:


While some men turn to smoking to cope with stress, it paradoxically amplifies anxiety and tension. Nicotine initially creates a sense of relaxation, leading individuals to believe that it alleviates stress and anxiety. However, this initial relief is short-lived, eventually resulting in heightened stress levels and cravings.


Men with depression are twice as likely to smoke compared to those without depression. It is worth noting that many men start smoking without displaying any signs of depression. Smoking triggers the release of dopamine in the brain, which induces positive feelings. People with depression often have lower dopamine levels, and they may turn to tobacco to experience pleasure or happiness.


Men with schizophrenia are three times more likely to smoke compared to those without the condition. Moreover, they tend to smoke heavily, believing that it helps manage their symptoms.

In Conclusion

If you have been a smoker, it might be time to reconsider before you light up another cigarette. Overcoming the urges and cravings will undoubtedly be a challenging endeavor, but quitting smoking could be one of the most beneficial decisions you make. It not only promotes physical well-being but also significantly contributes to mental health. Quitting smoking can help keep mental health disorders at bay and lead to a healthier, happier life.

Written by: Deepti Dogra

Edited by: Aniket Joshi

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