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Supporting Men's Mental Health: Tips For Preventing Suicide

Deepti Dogra

Men experiencing emotional or mental health challenges, such as depression or anxiety, often grapple with feelings of isolation and hopelessness, leaving them contemplating suicide as their only option. Despite their best efforts, they may find themselves trapped in a world of solitude, unable to seek help or enjoy life. Fortunately, there are steps you can take to assist a man struggling with suicidal thoughts and help prevent this tragic outcome. In this article, we will outline key strategies to support men in crisis.

The constant weight of darkness, isolation, and despair can corrode a man's inner world. While he yearns for happiness and fulfillment, his mental health struggles, such as depression and anxiety, often overshadow his life. Whether at work or among friends, he perpetually feels alone, even in the midst of a crowd, making it difficult for him to savor life's pleasures. In these situations, men may entertain suicidal thoughts and even attempt self-harm—a perilous path indeed.

If you have a loved one or friend navigating this painful journey, it's crucial to step in and offer support. How can you help? We have compiled a list of essential steps to prevent suicide among men. Please read on.

Recognize the Warning Signs

Men contemplating suicide often display warning signs that warrant your attention. These signs may include withdrawal from social circles, isolating themselves from family and friends, neglecting work responsibilities, self-neglect, or expressing thoughts of death, hopelessness, or a lack of purpose.

According to Dr. Moumita Nandy, a clinical psychologist from Delhi, "you may observe severe sadness or mood swings in such men. Some may exhibit rage, hopelessness, sleep disturbances, sudden calmness, withdrawal, changes in appearance, or self-harm tendencies. If you notice any of these behaviors, it's crucial to take prompt action."

Initiate a Conversation

While it may be uncomfortable and challenging to broach the topic, asking a man directly about suicidal thoughts is essential. Approach the conversation without judgment and inquire whether they are contemplating something serious. This direct approach can lead to a deeper conversation and convey your genuine concern for their well-being. Contrary to misconceptions, discussing suicide does not plant dangerous ideas but can provide much-needed emotional support and hope.

Addressing a man's mental health demonstrates your support and care, reinstating the hope they may have lost. It communicates that there are people who genuinely care for them, creating a safe space for vulnerability.

Remove Access to Harmful Items

Once you've initiated the conversation, inquire if they have formulated a suicide plan. If they reveal a method, take immediate steps to remove them from any lethal items, such as poison or knives, to prevent self-harm. This measure is crucial to preventing suicide in men. Spending time with them can also allow them to reconsider their decisions and cope with their struggles.

Encourage Social Engagement

Men battling poor mental health often become antisocial, a period when dark thoughts take root. Your role is to draw them out of this isolation and encourage social interaction. While maintaining regular contact through text, phone calls, or face-to-face meetings is important, also ensure they reconnect with family, friends, and neighbors to remind them that they are not alone.

Additionally, introduce them to individuals willing to discuss their own mental health experiences, reinforcing the idea that they are not the sole strugglers in the world. A man who feels heard will be more inclined to open up about his own mental health condition.

Seek Professional Help

Although your support is invaluable, it's essential to seek assistance from a mental health professional. Explore various therapists until you find the right fit, and encourage the individual to seek their expertise to address suicidal thoughts. A mental health professional can help identify the underlying causes of these thoughts and improve mental well-being.

This is a critical step. Do not assume that you can handle this situation alone. Seeking help from experts can also help you create a support network for the person in need. As Dr. Nandy states, "Men who receive support from caring friends and family and who have access to mental health services are less likely to act on their suicidal impulses than those who are isolated."

Follow Up

Even as they seek professional help and make progress in their mental health journey, your role is far from over. Regular follow-up is essential to ensure they are genuinely improving and thriving in life. Consider visiting them at home, making phone calls, or sending text messages to inquire about their well-being.

In Conclusion

The global rise in suicide rates among men is a concerning trend. Men experience various highs and lows, and there are times when they may feel too overwhelmed to enjoy life. Suicidal thoughts and feelings of hopelessness may surface during these trying times. It is your responsibility to extend a helping hand, reassuring them that they are not alone. Addressing suicide in men is a serious matter, and while the journey may be arduous, the alternative of losing a loved one to suicide is far more heartbreaking.

Written by: Deepti Dogra

Edited by: Aniket Joshi

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