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Helpful Exercises for Erectile Dysfunction

Deepti Dogra

Updated: Jul 20, 2023

Erectile Dysfunction is a sexual health disorder that can lead to a man failing in getting or maintaining an erection for sexual activity. This sexual health problem can be quite embarrassing as well as shameful for men as they are unable to indulge in sexual intercourse and satisfy their partner. Although in some cases it can be treated, in some it is not possible to treat. If you are struggling with erectile dysfunction and feel ashamed to talk to someone, we have a few exercises for erectile dysfunction that can help you out.

If you are experiencing erectile dysfunction, we understand that you must be going through numerous emotions. It must be saddening for you to see that you are unable to achieve or maintain an erection even when trying your best. Along with that, it must be upsetting for you that you are unable to satisfy your partner even when you want to. Indulging in sexual intercourse must be next to impossible for you right now.

However, you do not need to lose hope. While you might be getting treated by a Urologist for erectile dysfunction, there are a few things that you can do by yourself at home. There are certain exercises for erectile dysfunction that you can opt for on a daily basis to restart your sex life. Do not believe us? Have a look below and find out!

Kegel Exercises

Kegel is one of the good Exercises for Erectile Dysfunction.

Kegel or pelvic exercises are quite good for a man if he is dealing with erectile dysfunction. Some of the exercises that you can opt for are:

Floor Lying on Your Back Squeezes

Lie on your back with hands flat on the floor and knees comfortably bent, pointing upwards. Draw your penis inwards towards your body, hold for five seconds and then release. Next, squeeze your anus muscles for five seconds and then release. Do three to five reps of these exercises.

Floor Lying on Your Side Squeezes

Lie on the floor on your side and place a pillow between your knees. Squeeze your legs and hold for five seconds and then release. Do the reps for three to five times.

Sitting in a Chair Squeezes

Sit on a chair in a comfortable position and squeeze your penis with just its muscles. Do the reps for three to five times.


Pilates is one of the good Exercises for Erectile Dysfunction.

Knee Fallouts

Lie down with your knees bent, feet flat on the floor and arms by the side. The spine should be in a neutral position, with a small space between the middle of the back and the floor. Exhale and squeeze the pelvic floor muscles, and slowly lower one knee to the floor, keeping the pelvis stable. As you inhale, release the muscles and bend the knee again. Now repeat on the other side.

Supine Foot Raises

Lie down on the floor with the knees bent, feet flat on the floor and arms by the side. Exhale and raise on foot off the floor, keeping the pelvis and spine still. Inhale and bring back the foot down. Now repeat on the other side.


If you are struggling with erectile dysfunction, there are certain lifestyle changes that you will have to opt for to get treated. It will reduce the need for medication as well as benefit your overall health. If you have been overindulging in alcohol and drugs, you must stop now. Apart from that, losing weight is a good idea for you to get rid of erectile dysfunction. However, these exercises for erectile dysfunction are a plus for your sex life.

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