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Fashion Shaming: Should Men Care About What Their Partners Are Wearing?


Fashion is a mirror reflecting our inner core. Taking a deeper look reveals that our fashion outlook links us to the external world, and this self-expression is best when done purely for oneself rather than to fit in with societal trends. However, it's an undeniable fact that our surroundings and relationships impact the choices we make. Especially when we consider the dressing style within a relationship, things take a turn. One cannot ignore the fact that a balance of respecting the bond while also being oneself is needed.

So, let's explore both sides of the coin of fashion in relationships: fashion shaming and fashion bonding. Also, let's discover ways to handle such circumstances in a relationship.

Should men care about their partner's dressing style?

It is not a matter of concern if men or women have different takes on fashion in a relationship. However, expecting the partner to mold themselves to fit in with one's taste doesn't help the bond; it can weaken the foundations of trust. Fashion concerns can be highlighted as a green or red point in a relationship. The brighter side can evolve with partners along the journey, while the other part can break your partner's self-esteem.

Fashion bonding: The brighter side

Often, the background of tradition and culture impacts our wardrobe. Thus, a deeper understanding of each other's lives before the relationship will help strike a balance. However, no justification is allowed when the talk falls more on the controlling side rather than focusing on understanding the partner's way of self-recognition.

Also, when styling yourself together with a partner, it involves an expression of your likes and dislikes. These comments aren't necessarily mean; in contrast, they allow partners to understand each other's preferences. But, again, they are meant to be done by respecting each other's autonomy.

For any relationship to have a long run, a sense of comfort in being yourself is important, and clothing is the gist of expression. So, men's trust in the judgment of their partners can strengthen a relationship. Also, healthy communication to exchange the ideologies of fashion differences to better navigate the journey is very well appreciated.

Thus, caring for a partner's way of dressing doesn't always hamper their expression; rather, it can be an evolving journey with them.


Fashion shaming is usually a result of the pressurized societal setup. It is usually seen that a designated dress code has been formulated to please societal norms. And when one refuses to fit in the box, they are subjected to judgment. It can range from body shaming to insulting the very core of existence—self-expression. In a relationship scenario, a negative take on a partner's fashion may impact their confidence and self-esteem. Besides, barring them from their own way of styling crumbles the freedom of existence.

Besides, in some extremes, unrealistic standards are concerning. These may build up anxiety and fear, further making one hide behind walls and putting them away from communication.

How do you deal with fashion shaming in a relationship?

In relationships, acknowledging individuality is paramount when faced with fashion shaming. Understand that self-expression varies and that negative comments don't reflect personal flaws. Communicate calmly with your partner, setting boundaries for personal choices. Offer constructive criticism, fostering trust in their judgment over societal norms.

  • Begin with an understanding that every individual has their own way of self-recognition.

  • Remember, a person's negative feedback doesn't indicate anything wrong with themselves.

  • If there are any concerns, talk to the partner and let them know your inner feelings calmly.

  • Make clear boundaries for your personal choices. Let your dressing style be for your comfort and convenience.

  • If you need to express your take on dressing style, practice it positively. Let it be more constructive criticism, and refrain from questioning their choices.

  • Build trust in your partner's judgment rather than relying on societal standards.


As humans, we explore different ways to express ourselves, and dressing has always been the most elegant way to put our inner selves out to the world. However, societal norms can restrict the horizon of clothing, and these concerns make their way into relationships with questioning partners. A discussion with constructive criticism is harmless; however, judging partners for their choices can humiliate their self-identity. Thus, caring for what the partners are wearing shouldn't come at the expense of hurting their self-esteem. It should have a balanced approach wherein both parties can establish a healthy communication bridge.

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