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Banishing Dry Hands: A Comprehensive Guide to Prevention, Treatment, and Hydration

Ridhiman Das

Dry hands are a common skin problem faced during the winter. It’s not necessarily hazardous, but it can be really annoying.

The majority of the time, the environment is what causes dry hands. For instance, the weather may result in dry hands. Your hands’ skin can get dry due to repeated hand washing, chemical exposure, and several medical disorders.

Nevertheless, no matter the reason, there are a number of techniques to keep your hands hydrated. Find out what causes dryness in the first place, how to prevent it, and how to treat it.

What Causes Dry Hands

1. Weather:

Your skin is likely to grow dry throughout the winter. Hands can get dry due to climate changes, especially in cold weather without much humidity in the air. Less moisture in the air causes the skin to lose moisture.

2. Working Environment:

Dry hands might also be a result of workplace conditions. Those who work in professions that require frequent hand cleaning, like nurses, doctors, or teachers, may experience dried-up hands. Workers in factories or salons may frequently be exposed to strong irritants or chemicals. These may also result in dry hands.

3. Medical Issues:

Some medical disorders can either cause red hands or increase the likelihood that someone will experience them more frequently. For instance, individuals with autoimmune diseases like diabetes or lupus may experience decreased hand blood flow. Their hands become more readily inflamed as a result. In addition to causing skin irritation, eczema and psoriasis can also result in dry hands, peeling skin, and cracked skin.

10 Solutions for Dry Hands

1. Hydrate:

Several times each day, use a high-quality moisturizing cream or lotion. Creams and lotions aid in replenishing moisture and sealing it back into the skin.

2. Put on Gloves:

Consider wearing a pair of gloves if your hands are constantly submerged in water, such as when cleaning dishes. Gloves assist in keeping your skin’s natural oils from being stripped away by the water.

3. Lessen Tension:

Although it may sound absurd, there may be a tenuous link between stress and eczema. In order to alleviate tension, take some time for self-care if you notice that your hands are acting strange due to the dry skin caused by eczema.

4. Take Medicine:

Medication may be required if your eczema is severe to give your skin a chance to heal. Your doctor might advise applying topical steroids to your skin or possibly taking an oral antibiotic.

5. Inquire about UV Light Therapy with Your Doctor:

In some severe psoriasis cases, ultraviolet (UV) therapy can also assist the skin’s natural healing process. However, before attempting any type of UV therapy, you should see your doctor.

6. Take Care of Them Overnight:

One of the greatest ways to treat dry hands is to cover them in lotion or a petroleum-based moisturizer, like Vaseline, at night. After that, put on some soft gloves or stockings to protect your hands. If you trap the moisturizer, it will absorb more deeply into your skin, giving you baby-smooth hands when you wake up.

7. Request a Prescription Cream:

Your doctor might suggest a specific lotion with lactic acid or urea for really dry and scaly skin. These components aid in removing the dry and scaly skin.

8. Apply Hydrocortisone Cream as Needed:

A disease known as dermatitis, in which the skin becomes inflamed and red, can sometimes worsen dry skin. A hydrocortisone-containing lotion may be the most beneficial in these circumstances. The inflamed skin can be soothed with hydrocortisone.

9. Apply a Moist Dressing:

Before it can entirely mend, skin that has broken due to dryness will need to be treated. As your skin heals, your doctor might advise using a wet dressing.

10. Use a Powerful Moisturizer:

Pick up a moisturizer designed originally for animals if you want a rich moisturizer. I mean, really! Skin can be deeply moisturized with products like Bag Balm, which was created to help repair the rough fissures in a cow’s udders.

Preventing Dry Hands

Consider taking a small bottle of lotion with you so you may reapply moisturizer throughout the day if your job’s conditions are causing your dry hands.

Look for moisturizers with the following ingredients:

  • Glycerin, cocoa butter, and jojoba oil

  • Aloe

Speak with your manager about installing lotion pumps on the walls if you work in a place that demands frequent hand washing, such as a hospital or restaurant. If they already exist, utilize them effectively. You should also stay away from sources of extreme heat, including hand dryers. Similar to cold weather, heat can make skin even drier.

The Conclusion

Dry hands are typically a regular aspect of life. With moisturizer, they are typically simple to treat. Seek medical help if home cures for dry hands don’t work or if you exhibit any other symptoms, such as bleeding or infection.

Written by: Ridhiman Das

Edited by: Aniket Joshi

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