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Appreciating your teacher on World Teachers Day

Writer's picture: BFH TeamBFH Team

Education is one of the most superior weapons to deal with in any life- changing battle. Knowledge never ends in vain. While growing up, the very first thing a parent wants for their child is to have a good teacher.  A teacher can change the direction, vision and execution of your life. We all meet a lot of teachers while growing up. Some help us with academics, some with craft, some simply add moral values to our life and some help us in polishing our skills. Teachers are known  to be our second parents. Though we can never pay them back completely, we can still try to make them feel special on this World Teacher’s Day.

World Teacher’s Day is celebrated on October 5th every year. Here are some tips for you to tell your teachers how important their existence is.

Ways to celebrate World Teachers Day

Often, we get too busy in making our lives that we forget to wish for the ones who helped us with our foundation. Teaching is one of the most respected yet taken for granted professions. Here are some ways for you to celebrate World Teachers day this year. 

A “THANK YOU” would suffice –

A simple thank you is enough to express your gratitude to your teacher on World teachers day.

If you don’t have much time to celebrate it properly, a simple Thank You would suffice. A teacher teaches so many students. Some faces they remember, some get lost in the dust of time. A simple thank you note will make their day. As a student, the feeling of gratitude is enough for a teacher.

Meet them and spend some time –

In this virtual era, take out some time and visit your teacher with the aim to make them feel special. You’ll see how happy they get when they see their students appreciating them for their efforts.

Throw a party –

You can have a warm get-together for your teachers with some of their students. Little decoration, a cake and a chit- chat session can help you make their day.

Express your respect and love for them –

Sometimes saying it out is important. Tell them how their teaching helped you in becoming a better version of yourself. Talk to them about what they mean to you, how emotionally invested you are. They made a big change in your life, make sure they realise it!

Prepare an act –

Showing them what you have learnt under their guidance is a great way to show your respect for them and enthusiasm towards their passion on World Teachers Day

If you learned any art from your teacher, perform it for them. For example, a music performance for your singing teacher or an act for your theatre teacher. Express them what you feel through what they taught you.

Ask if they need your help-

Learning and Teaching has no end to it. Ask your teacher’s in case they need your help regarding anything. Be there for them and let them know that.


Your teachers were there through your time of thick and thin. You can never put any value on the knowledge they provided you. But you can surely make them feel special on this World Teacher’s Day. Don’t forget to wish all the fabulous teachers who helped you in forming a base to your incredible life. We wish you all a very happy World Teachers Day!

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